Year 3
To catch up the history and geography curriculum that was missed in Year 2, the Year 3 children explored the topic 'Interpid Explorers' and 'In the Jungle'.
During 'Intrepid Explorers, the children had the opportunity to learn all about some important people in history, such as Christopher Columbus and Neil Armstrong. They found out about the lives of these explorers, comparing the different lifestyle of each so that they could discover why they are remembered today.
Within our topic of 'In the Jungle', the children learnt all about British woodlands compared to a tropical jungle. We focussed solely on the weather, plants, animals and people who may go these places and what features may attract them to visit.
Every Monday afternoon, the children in Y3 have participated in 'catch-up curriculum' lessons to ensure they have covered all the objectives that were missing in the Spring and Summer term of 2020. Children have so far caught up learning linked to place value, addition and subtraction, statistics and measures.
Every Monday afternoon, the children in Y3 have participated in 'catch-up curriculum' lessons, covering objectives that were missed in the Spring and Summer term of 2020. We have practiced our SPAG knowledge linked to different Y2 objectives including nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, sentence types, conjunctions and punctuation. We have also practiced our handwriting to develop our skills to join our letters fluently and accurately.
The children participate in reading lessons for half an hour every day. During this time, the children have been working hard to catch up on reading skills in order to improve the speed and fluency of their reading. They have also continued to develop their retrieval skills, inference skills, predicting skills and their understanding of vocabulary. The children have put these skills into practice through completing some written comprehensions, using a range of different texts.