*Understand how to listen carefully and why listening is important.
*Learn new vocabulary.
*Use new vocabulary through the day.
*Ask questions to find out more and to check they understand what has been said to them.
*Articulate their ideas and thoughts in well-formed sentences.
*Connect one idea or action to another using a range of connectives.
*Describe events in some detail.
*Use talk to help work out problems and organise thinking and activities, and to explain how things work and why they might happen.
*Develop social phrases.
*Engage in story times.
*Listen to and talk about stories to build familiarity and understanding.
*Retell the story, once they have developed a deep familiarity with the text, some as exact repetition and some in their own words.
*Use new vocabulary in different contexts.
*Listen carefully to rhymes and songs, paying attention to how they sound.
*Learn rhymes, poems and songs.
*Engage in non-fiction books.
*Listen to and talk about selected non-fiction to develop a deep familiarity with new knowledge and vocabulary.