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Neil Aspey

Saint Patrick’s Catholic Primary School

'We arise today, to learn, love and grow through Jesus.’



Name Mr Neil Aspey


Type of Governor Foundation Governor


Appointed on 2nd January 2024


Term of office  4 Years


Pecuniary interests and relationships Mr Aspey has no declarations of pecuniary interest. Mr Aspey does not have a governance role in any other school.


Appointing body Mr Aspey was appointed to the Governing Body on 2nd January 2024 to 2028. As a Foundation Governor he was appointed by the Archdiocese of Liverpool.


Governor Responsibilities:

Specific responsibilities

  • Quality of Education- Link governor for Science and Computing Curriculum
  • Leadership & Management- Link governor for Health & Safety



I am a Wigan lad who is a practicing Catholic and attend St Patrick’s church in Wigan.

I’m a fire safety inspector with the Fire & Rescue Service and I’ve worked for the organisation for 28 years in an operational capacity and as a fire safety officer. 

I’m married with 2 grown up children who are both teachers. 

I share a passion with the school governors to strive to create the best environment for the pupils and staff at St Patrick’s school in Wigan.
