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Saint Patrick’s Catholic Primary School


'We arise today, to learn, love and grow through Jesus.’



Name Louise Charnock


Type of Governor Parent Governor


Appointed on 13th November 2022 


Term of office  4 Years


Pecuniary interests and relationships Miss Charnock has no declarations of pecuniary interest and does not have a governance role at any other school.


Appointing body  Louise Charnock Appointed Parent Governor appointed

Miss Charnock was reappointed to the Governing Body on 13th November 2022. As an Appointed Parent Governor she was appointed by the Head Teacher/Governing Board.


Specific responsibilities

  • Miss Charnock is Vice Chair
  • Quality of Education Committee- She is link for Humanities Curriculum
  • Leadership and Management Committee- She is link for EYFS and CLA
  • Admissions committee- Member of the admissions committee



I am a parent at St Patrick's and have also been a pupil so the school has been a part of my life for many years. I am proud to be a Parent Governor here.

I have been allocated EYFS as part of my responsibilities, this works well with my employment role as the manager at a local nursery. I am very approachable and friendly and have the best interests of the school, families and children at heart.

