Key Stage 2 July 2019
77% of our Year 6 pupils achieved the Expected Standard in Reading, Writing & Maths.
84% achieved the Expected Standard in reading, with an average scale score of 106.8.
43% achieved a high level of attainment in reading.
The school progress score for reading was 0.57
82% achieved the Expected Standard in writing.
16% achieved a high level of attainment in writing.
The school progress score for writing was -1.76
91% achieved the Expected Standard in GPS, with an average scale score of 110.8.
66% achieved a high level of attainment in GPS.
86% achieved the Expected Standard in mathematics, with an average scale score of 107.5.
50% achieved a high level of attainment in mathematics.
The school progress score for mathematics was 0.86
Key Stage 1 July 2019
Our Year 2 pupils achieved;
82% of our Year 2 pupils achieved the Expected Standard in Reading, Writing & Maths.
84% achieved the Expected Standard in reading.
84% achieved the Expected Standard in writing.
89% achieved the Expected Standard in Mathematics.
In the Y1 Phonic Screening Check, 73% achieved the Expected Standard.
Foundation Stage July 2019
In Reception, 67% achieved a Good Level of Development.