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How to apply for a place on a WCPA course


Please apply via the 'Get Into Teaching' website:


Wigan Catholic Primary Alliance - V912

Click to Apply


Search for Wigan Catholic Primary Alliance (WCPA) or St. Patrick's Catholic Primary School (our Lead school) postcode WN1 3RZ or the codes course code WCPA Primary course (Age 5-11) V912  


Your application should demonstrate that you possess:

  • The skills to support the Catholic ethos of our schools and the education of the children.
  • A desire to teach and work with children.
  • Effective communication skills.
  • A commitment to work hard on the course.
  • Determination to succeed.
  • A readiness to listen and share.
  • A flexible approach to learning and teaching.
  • The skills to support the Catholic ethos of schools and the education of the children.

How We Select Our Trainees


Interview Process


We have a rigorous but fair structure for the recruitment of trainees. All candidates are required to partake in a three stage interview day. Across the three stages, candidates are observed and interviewed by an experienced panel. The interview panel consists of the alliance lead and senior leaders from  partnership schools on occasions a tutor from Liverpool Hope may be part of the interview panel. All tasks and interview questions are designed to allow candidates to show their potential with regards to subject knowledge, curriculum knowledge and their aptitude for teaching. Allowing us to explore your motivations for wanting to teach and your understanding of what the career involves.


Part 1: Table teach: Candidates are required to plan, adapt and resource a short lesson (around 10-15 minutes), on a given objective. They are observed during this process by the panel, who are looking at the quality of their table teach and how the candidate interacts with the children.


Part 2: Formal Interview: The questions in the interview are designed to allow the candidate to demonstrate their knowledge surrounding Primary Education. The panel are looking to see how well the candidate has researched the industry and assess their potential to teach and work with children.


Part 3: Curriculum Knowledge: In order to assess a candidate’s curriculum knowledge and to highlight future development points for the candidate, they are required to sit pass KS2 SAT papers (SPAG and Mathematics) and a written test to assess the quality of written English.


Remote interviews via Microsoft Teams or Zoom are available upon request if needed.


If you require any further information about our programme before applying, please contact our office:



Tel: 01942 244361


You can also follow our Facebook page:

Wcpa St. Patrick's (Wigan Catholic Primary Alliance)

and our Instagram:



