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Rights and Respect


The National Curriculum for PSHE aims to ensure that all pupils are equipped with a sound understanding of risk and with the knowledge and skills necessary to make safe and informed decisions.



Learn about taking some responsibility for their own health;

Describe ways in which they can help others and why they would do so;

Take care of their home, their learning environment and the natural environment.




Understand that they can make a difference.

Identify how they can care for their home, school and special people.

Talk about how they can make an impact on the natural world.

Talk about similarities and differences between themselves.

Demonstrate building relationships with friends.



Year 1

Recognise how a person's behaviour (including their own) can affect other people;

Identify what they like about the school environment; 

Recognise who cares for and looks after the school environment;

Demonstrate responsibility in looking after something (e.g., a class pet or plant);

Explain the importance of looking after things that belong to themselves or to others;

Explain where people get money from; 

List some of the things that money may be spent on in a family home;

Recognise that different notes and coins have different monetary value; 

Explain the importance of keeping money safe; 

Identify safe places to keep money; 

Understand the concept of 'saving money' (i.e., by keeping it in a safe placed and adding to it);

How to make a clear and efficient call to emergency services if necessary;

Concepts of basic first-aid, for example dealing with common injuries, including head injuries.



Year 2

Describe and record strategies for getting on with others in the classroom;

Explain, and be able to use, strategies for dealing with impulsive behaviour;

Identify special people in the school and community who can help to keep them safe;

Know how to ask for help;

Understand that people have choices about what they do with their money;

Know that money can be saved for a use at a future time;

Explain how they might feel when they spend money on different things;

Identify what they like about the school environment;

Identify any problems with the school environment (e.g., things needing repair);

Make suggestions for improving the school environment;

Recognise that they all have a responsibility for helping to look after the school environment.



Year 3

Identify key people who are responsible for them to stay safe and healthy; 

Suggest ways they can help these people;

Understand the difference between 'fact' and 'opinion';

Understand how an event can be perceived from different viewpoints; 

Plan, draft and publish a recount using the appropriate language;

Define what a volunteer is;

Identify people who are volunteers in the school community;

Recognise some of the reasons why people volunteer, including mental health and wellbeing benefits to those who volunteer;

Understand the terms 'income', 'saving' and 'spending';

Recognise that there are times we can buy items we want and times when we need to save for items;

Suggest items and services around the home that need to be paid for (e.g., food, furniture, electricity etc.);

Explain that people earn their income through their jobs;

Understand that the amount people get paid is due to a range of factors (skill, experience, training, responsibility etc.);

Define what is meant by the environment; 

Evaluate and explain different methods of looking after the school environment; 

Devise methods of promoting their priority method.



Year 4

Explain how different people in the school and local community help them stay healthy and safe; 

Define what is meant by 'being responsible'; 

Describe the various responsibilities of those who help them stay healthy and safe; 

Suggest ways they can help the people who keep them healthy and safe;

Understand that humans have rights and also responsibilities;

Identify some rights and also responsibilities that come with these; 

Understand the reason we have rules; 

Suggest and engage with ways that they can contribute to the decision-making process in school (e.g., through pupil voice/school council); 

Recognise that everyone can make a difference within a democratic process;

Define the word influence; 

Recognise that reports in the media can influence the way they think about a topic; 

Form and present their own opinions based on factual information and express or present these in a respectful and courteous manner;

Explain the role of the bystander and how it can influence bullying or other anti-social behaviour;

Recognise that they can play a role in influencing outcomes of situations by their actions;

Explain what is meant by the terms 'income tax', 'National Insurance' and 'VAT'; 

Understand how a payslip is laid out showing both pay and deductions; 

Prioritise public services from most essential to least essential.




Year 5

Identify, write and discuss issues currently in the media concerning health and wellbeing; 

Express their opinions on an issue concerning health and wellbeing; 

Make recommendations on an issue concerning health and wellbeing; 

Explain what is meant by the term’s negotiation and compromise; 

Describe strategies for resolving difficult issues or situations;

Demonstrate how to respond to a wide range of feelings in others; 

Give examples of some key qualities of friendship; 

Reflect on their own friendship qualities;

Demonstrate how to respond to a wide range of feelings in others; 

Give examples of some key qualities of friendship; 

Reflect on their own friendship qualities;

Identify what things make a relationship unhealthy;

Identify who they could talk to if they needed help;

Recognise basic emotional needs, understand that they change according to circumstance;

Identify risk factors in a given situation (involving smoking or other scenarios) and consider outcomes of risk taking in this situation, including emotional risks;

Identify characteristics of passive, aggressive and assertive behaviours;

Understand and rehearse assertiveness skills.



Year 6

Define the terms 'fact', 'opinion', 'biased' and 'unbiased', explaining the difference between them;

Describe the language and techniques that make up a biased report; 

Analyse a report and also extract the facts from it; 

Know the legal age (and reason behind these) for having a social media account;

Understand why people don’t tell the truth and often post only the good bits about themselves, online;

Recognise that people’s lives are much more balanced in real life, with positives and negatives;

Explain some benefits of saving money;

Describe the different ways money can be saved, outlining the pros and cons of each method; 

Describe the costs that go into producing an item; 

Suggest sale prices for a variety of items, taking into account a range of factors; 

Explain what is meant by the term interest;

Explain what is meant by living in an environmentally sustainable way; 

Suggest actions that could be taken to live in a more environmentally sustainable way.


