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Prayer Life of School

If we pray, we will believe; If we believe, we will love; If we love; we will serve.’ – Mother Teresa.


Prayer is a central and integral part of the school day at St Patrick’s Catholic Primary School. The Catechism of the Catholic Church defines prayer as ‘the raising up of the heart and mind to God’ which is done ‘by thinking of God; by adoring, praising and thanking Him and by begging Him of all blessings for soul and body’. To that end, children are taught in the initial weeks of the Early Years Foundation Stage and then throughout their time in the school to form and offer prayers. These prayers take various forms: thanksgiving, praise, petition and penance. Children are taught the importance of and how to form a healthy prayer life which helps to strengthen their Faith and understanding of God and His Holy Church.


To view our Prayer Policy and Booklet, please click below:

