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Primary Course



 Primary Course (Age 5-11)

Course Code V912  


This is a full-time, one-year training programme, structured around the school year. You will be based in our schools and be regarded as a member of the team from the start.


At the start of the Autumn term, trainees will be assigned to a KS1 class within one of our schools. For the first few weeks they will spend their time working with small groups of children or team teaching, leading onto teaching whole lessons.


Alongside time on placement, trainees will follow a structured programme of pedagogical and subject knowledge training with both WCPA training and Liverpool Hope University. This allows trainees to apply and develop their new-found knowledge and skills immediately in the classroom environment. During the latter part of the autumn term trainees will undertake their first, assessed teaching practice.


The Spring and Summer terms follow a similar pattern, with  training input from WCPA/ Liverpool Hope University followed by an assessed teaching practice.

Trainees will move to a second school within the partnership for the Spring term within a KS2 setting and depending upon training needs and preferences, will either return to the original school or move to a third school for the summer term.


(Example of course coverage)




Trainees will experience both KS1 and KS2. Trainees academic study with Liverpool Hope University is spread over the year, commencing with an initial induction day in September.

