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School Council

Welcome to the Saint Patrick's School Council Page. 


School Council Constitution


Our Purpose

We are the voice of the students:

  • We aim to get things done to make our school better
  • To find ways to improve our school
  • To give every pupil a voice and to make all decision-making fair.




Our School Council is made up of Foundation Members. Any children from Years 3 to 6 can apply to be a foundation member. Foundation Members will serve on the council until they leave Saint Patrick’s, so that they can see how projects they decide on affect their school.

Current Council Members


Year 3

Eden and Oliver 

Year 4

Frankie and Rory 

Year 5

Callum and Evie 

Year 6

Erin and Jason


Roles of the School Council 

All members of the School Council have a duty to report back any information discussed in the meeting to their class. They must also represent the views of every child in their class by sharing them at each meeting – these views can be recorded in their school council book.

Chair Person (Erin) 

The Chair Person runs the Meetings. First, they read through the previous meetings minutes to check that they are a true reflection of what happened; if all members agree, they are signed. The Chair then forms and shares the meeting’s agenda with the school council.

Vice Chair (Jason)

The Vice Chair needs to be prepared to lead the meeting, if the Chair is absent. They will also support the Chairperson, when required. When the minutes have been signed, the Vice Chair will make sure the minutes are given to the Link Teacher to be filed and uploaded to the school website.


Secretary (Evie)

The Secretary takes notes (minutes) in all the meetings and ensures that they are accurate and ensure there is a register for all members to sign.



(Eden and Rory)

The Treasurer records any money raised, donated or spent by the School Council.


Alerting Team

(Callum, Frankie and Oliver)

The alerting team ensures that all children are aware when school council meetings will take place.


Committee Members

These members listen to the Chairperson and contribute their own ideas and the ideas of their class and vote on any ideas put forward.


School Council meetings are held twice a term. For the meetings to go ahead there must be at least 8 council members present. Decisions will made using a hands up voting system. If a decision can’t be made; it will be the link teacher who will cast the deciding vote. Ideas and questions are put to each year group before they are voted on in school council.


School Council Code of Conduct 

As agreed by the School Council:

  • We will listen to everyone and present their ideas and concerns fairly 
  • If we have something to say in meetings, we will raise our hand
  • We will listen to each other respectfully and not speak over each other
  • If we disagree with somebody, we will discuss this respectfully and if we can not agree we will vote on it.  


 If you have any ideas, which you would like School Council to discuss, please speak to your year group council member.
