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English Ambassadors

English Ambassadors



Welcome to the English Ambassador page, where we celebrate the passion and creativity of our student leaders in English. Our English Ambassadors play a key role in championing the love of reading, writing, and communication throughout the school.


As ambassadors, we are committed to ensuring that pupil voice is heard, sharing ideas and feedback to help shape and enhance the English curriculum. Through regular meetings with our English subject leaders, we actively contribute to driving forward new initiatives, supporting our peers, and making English an exciting subject for all.


We invite you to explore this page to learn more about our projects, upcoming events, and the ways we’re working together to make English thrive at Saint Patrick's.



How we've impacted our subject so far... 


The English Curriculum Ambassadors recently organised a festive outing to the Grand Arcade in Wigan, with the goal of purchasing new books for their year group's reading corners. The trip was filled with excitement, as the ambassadors carefully selected a variety of festive-themed books to inspire a love of reading. While exploring the arcade, they had a delightful surprise—Father Christmas himself appeared and was kind enough to gift each child a present. In addition to the thoughtful gifts, Father Christmas also generously sent some extra books back to school to further enrich the reading experience for all students. This heartwarming event brought joy and excitement to the children, fostering a sense of community and festive spirit.




