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PE and School Sport

Saint Patrick’s Catholic Primary School



‘We arise today, to learn, love and grow through Jesus’.


At Saint Patrick’s, we aim to create an environment in which each individual has the opportunity to thrive supported by values of Christ firmly built into our everyday foundations. Education, welfare and wellbeing are at the heart of everything we do. Above all else, we want to foster a strong belief in all our children that they can succeed in all they do, no matter what. Working with all school parties, we wish to nurture each child’s potential and foster high aspirations. It is essential that we give them the tool kit needed to achieve their goals regardless of background or starting points.



The National Curriculum for P.E. aims to ensure that all pupils:

  • develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities
  • are physically active for sustained periods of time 
  • engage in competitive sports and activities
  • lead healthy, active lives


P.E. helps our pupils to learn about the different fundamental movement skills required when taking part in a variety of activities, recognising changes to their bodies when they exercise and develop a curiosity for a range of sporting activities. At Saint Patrick’s, we are committed to developing children to lead an active and healthy lifestyle.


Here at Saint Patrick's, we are committed to empowering children with the opportunity to take part in at least 30 minutes physical activity throughout the day.  In addition to P.E lessons and extra-curricular after school clubs, all children take part in organised games at lunch time. Whole School Theme Days, which take place half termly, such as: 'Healthy Lifestyles' and 'Diversity' enable our children to learn about the benefits of physical activity and health, whilst taking part in a range of activities. We also host an annual Sports Day in the Summer Term. 


EYFS – Throughout EYFS, children will begin to negotiate space within a given area, whilst building confidence and competence when exploring fundamental movement skills. Children will develop cooperative skills by taking turns, respecting others, sharing with others and encourage others. They will develop their resilience and perseverance when taking on both new and old challenges.


Key Stage 1 – In Key Stage 1, children will further develop the fundamental movement skills with increasing confidence and competence. This will include mastering basic movements such as running, jumping, throwing and catching. Additionally, they will then begin to apply these in in a range of activities, striving to try their best throughout. They will begin to engage in competitive opportunities against themselves and others, using simple tactics. The children will be able to recognise changes in their body when exercising. They will explore rules of games and how to score points within them.


Key Stage 2 - In Key Stage 2, Children will continue to develop fundamental movement skills with the aim of applying these in small sided games both in isolation and in combination. At times, they will work independently, but also in collaboration, taking it in turns to give their ideas but also listen to others. The children will be placed in competitive situations, and be given the opportunity to learn how to develop themselves as an individual and from a team’s perspective. The children will explore basic principles of attacking and defending, in a variety of different sporting situations. They will perform dances using a range of movement patterns, showing timing and accuracy. The children will choreograph and use props to aid them within a dance, whilst portraying emotions, feelings and character. The children will take part in outdoor adventure activities, that include reading maps with different symbols, thinking critically to form an idea or strategy and to solve problems. They will be able to swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres.

PE Curriculum Coverage at St Patricks:

Progression of Skills within the P.E. Strands at St Patricks:



PE Teaching and Learning at Saint Patrick’s aims to ensure that our children develop in a range of skills to help them shine in a wide-range of physical activities.  Our principal aim to is to empower children with the opportunity to partake in at least 30 minutes of physical activity throughout the school day.  

We believe that children learn best when:


  • They access a broad range of physical activities.





  •  Learn lifelong skills such as how to ride a bike.

Pupils in Year 6 access Bikeability Training. This course is ‘cycling proficiency’ for the  21st Century, designed to give the pupils the skills and confidence to ride their bikes on today’s roads. Children complete the Level 1 course in the school’s grounds, whilst the Level 2 course takes place on the roads in the local community. 






  • Can choose from a wide-range of equipment which they are shown how to use independently.



  • Are physically active for sustained periods of time.





  • Are given out of school learning experiences such as, swimming lessons.

Our children learn to swim at Wigan Swimming Baths. During these sessions, the children learn to swim competently, confidently, and proficiently using a range of strokes. They are given opportunities to perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations.


  • Reflect on their learning and performances and that of others.

  • They can access extra-curricular after school clubs.





  • They lead healthy and active lives.


  • They understand the benefits of physical activity and health.



  • They engage in competitive sports and activities.

  • They experience out of school, outdoor adventurous activities.

In Y6, pupils are invited to go on a 3-day residential education visit to Boreatton Park. The objectives of this trip are to develop skills in an outdoor adventurous activity, through teamwork and challenge. Children experience a range of activities, including quad biking, abseiling, kayaking, zip wire, giant swing, high ropes etc. 







We recognise that children have different physical abilities. We aim to provide suitable, enabling and exceeding learning opportunities to ensure all children are challenged and supported in their learning. We achieve this by:


  • Designing and promoting activities that appeal to motivations, so that children feel they belong in the activity, are independent within it and are supported to achieve.


  • Empowering all children to have a voice alongside their peers.


  • Building children’s confidence in physical activity from a young age.


  • Creating environments that are comfortable to learn in; considering space, time, equipment, and people when planning and in the moment delivery.


  • Providing on and offsite training to train and support teachers and activity deliverers to act on the individual needs of all young people.



At Saint Patrick’s, we believe, the welcoming and respectful environment which is enriched in catholic morals and teachings, continues to enhance the educational and pastoral experience of every individual passing through our doors. Our teachings are underpinned by the ambition of ensuring that our children are able to reach their full potential and succeed as well-rounded individuals within the community.  We recognise that each child is unique and as such are supported in reaching their full potential. The teaching and learning environment at Saint Patrick’s is underpinned by the foundation of our supportive ethos and varied approaches to learning, all of which contribute to developing the children as both collaborative and independent learners. The impact of our PE curriculum is measured in the experiences, confidence and competence of our children within the subject. We ensure children receive the experiences they require, both within and beyond the curriculum, to develop their skills and knowledge and become confident in participating and leading PE activities.



2019 (pre-COVID)




End of KS2 -

Children at/above expectation






See our latest sporting achievements on our St Pats Sports Twitter page!

School PE Kit

It is important that all children participate in their P.E lessons and to ensure your child has the correct school PE kit. Our school P.E kit requires children to wear a pair of green P.E shorts, pumps and a white t-shirt. During the winter term, children will also need an outside P.E kit which is suitable for physical activity in lower temperatures. This can consist of tracksuit bottoms, long sleeve sports tops and trainers. 



Out of Hours Clubs

Many children from Early Years age through to Y6 regularly attend after school sports clubs throughout the year.  Children from across the school can access clubs in a wide range of sports including, football, tag-rugby, netball, hockey, basketball, BMX riding, athletics, cross country, rounders, kwik-cricket, table tennis , multi-skills and archery. We have also previously worked in partnership with Wigan Gymnastic Club who have helped us develop our competence in delivering a Key Steps Gymnastics afterschool club. Please check out the school clubs page for more information.
