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Values and Ethos

Saint Patrick’s Catholic Primary School

'We arise today, to learn, love and grow through Jesus.’



Through the Mission Statement we aim:


☘️  To foster the spiritual and moral development of the children within the context of the Catholic faith, whilst sustaining a respect and understanding of other faiths and beliefs



This is achieved by:

  • Effective, through planning and delivery of the Come and See syllabus, including sacramental and prayer/collective worship celebrations.
  • Example set by staff, children able to see Gospel values in practice, through tolerance, forgiveness and honesty.
  • Children to be made aware that they are valued within their school/Parish communities and encouraged to take part in celebration of weekly mass.
  •  Encouragement of a sense of responsibility within the school and wider community, e.g. use of environmental projects etc. to establish ownership and safe use of the internet.
  • Fostering respect and understanding of other faiths and beliefs through the Come & See RE scheme, school visits and educational programmes.


 ☘️ To educate the whole child to the very best that they are capable of, through a broad balanced curriculum which recognises, values and enhances all their talents.


This is achieved by:

  • Reviewing and monitoring our whole approach to long term curriculum planning, ensuring continuity and progression.
  •  Reviewing and monitoring our medium/short term planning.
  •  Policy documents for each area, with agreed aims.
  •  Weekly planning showing a variety of teaching styles and differentiation of work.
  •  Setting up thorough systems of assessment, which inform future planning.
  • To develop staff knowledge, confidence and expertise in all areas of the curriculum.
  •  Providing interesting activities and experiences across the whole curriculum.
  •  Using praise to reward personal effort and progress (Positive Relationships and Behaviour policy)).
  •  Using a variety of teaching styles.
  •  Encouraging and developing parental support and understanding of the curriculum.


 ☘️ To provide a stimulating environment where positive learning takes place and where children can develop to their full potential.

This is achieved by:

  •  Clean, attractive decorated rooms.
  •  Bright, regularly changed displays.
  • Mixture of 2D/3D displays
  • Interest tables
  • Attractive book areas
  • Well labelled resources
  •  Informative displays
  • Engaging areas indoors and outdoors


 ☘️ To provide a welcoming, caring and safe environment, where children can develop self respect, a sense of individual worth and are able to co-operate with and show consideration to others.


This is achieved by:

  • High expectations of standards of behaviour and academic achievement.
  • Opportunities for older children to support and help younger children (children in Y6 given school responsibility).
  • Regular reporting of pupils’ success reflect and value other pupils’ opinions.
  • Encouragement of collaborative work across the curriculum.
  •  A tailored E-safety Curriculum
  • Pupils will be encouraged to take increased responsibilities.
  •  Extra curricular activities available, where children will be encouraged to work as a team.
  • Theme days designed to develop children's core values and skills. 



 ☘️ To foster independent learning and develop an awareness that their personal skills can be used independently to shape their own choices and their future.


This is achieved by:

  • Providing easily accessible and well-labelled resources in all areas of the school/classroom.
  • Encouragement and praise of independent activities.
  • Targets set for each year and individual child.
  •  Tasks well matched to ability.
  •   Necessary resources available for each child e.g. dictionary, atlas, thesaurus,
  • Staff awareness of and commitment to taking opportunities to encourage independence.


  ☘️ To ensure the children appreciate the value of and essential equality between individuals, regardless of sex, race, culture or disadvantage.


This is achieved by:

  •  Including equal opportunity statements in each policy.
  •  Books/resources will be monitored to provide balance of material.
  •  Teachers will ensure that all children have equal access to all areas of the curriculum.
  • Teachers will endeavour to foster a sense of respect for all individuals.
  • Curriculum lessons and activities designed to teach children about the 9 protected characteristics.


 ☘️ To develop links with home, involving parents in the life of the school and the education of their children.


This is achieved by:

  • Regular information letters
  • open afternoons/ parents afternoon
  • Homework guidance
  • Provision of courses for parents when possible.
  • School website
  • Year group Instagram pages
  • Providing a written annual report.
  • School App
  • Parents invited to stay and pray
  • Parents invited to school and church events


☘️ We consider an open door policy to be essential in order to foster co-operation between home and school and we recognise the importance of parental involvement in the education of all children in our care.



