Family Memories and Celebrations
In order to catch up the History Curriculum that was missed in Reception, the children in Year 1 explored the topic of Family Memories and Celebrations. In this topic, we discussed and wrote about past and present events that have taken place throughout our childhoods. We considered how other children may have different likes and dislikes compared to ourselves, including hobbies and interests. We identified the similarities and differences between ourselves and others, and our families. We discussed different traditions that our families celebrate and we compared these to other family traditions. We even looked at the similarities and differences between family traditions in the present day and family traditions from the past.
Every day, the children in Year 1 participate in Reading lessons for half an hour at the start of the school day. During this time, the children work in smaller, guided groups to enhance their comprehension skills, word reading, and fluency. Each week, we continue to work on developing our retrieval skills, inference skills, predicting skills, vocabulary skills, and sequencing skills with the help of our Guided Reading Dogs. Throughout the week, the children will complete independent and group comprehensions, as well as time to read 1-1 with an adult. During our Monday afternoon Catch-Up time, Year 1 have also received further time to develop their reading comprehension, word reading and fluency skills with the support of adult-guided, small group work.
Year 1 have worked on making groups of 2, 5 and 10. We have also looked at halving and doubling, using objects to help us.
During our Monday afternoon Catch-Up time, Year 1 have worked on developing their spelling, punctuation and grammar skills. We have looked at present and past tense, including the use of 'was', 'were', 'is', 'are' and 'am'. We have practised using the personal pronoun 'I' and the use of conjunctions, such as 'and', 'but' and 'because'. We have also been practising adding -s and -es for plural words.
We Are Explorers
In order to catch up the Geography Curriculum that was missed in Reception, the children in Year 1 explored the topic of 'We Are Explorers'. In this topic, we discussed what an explorer is and the equipment that an explorer might need when travelling to different places around the world. We thought about the weather in these places and the clothing an explorer would need to wear. We recapped the 7 continents and planned our own explorer's adventure to one of these areas.
Space and Planets
In order to catch up the Science Curriculum that was missed in Reception, the children in Year 1 have been exploring the topic of Space and Planets. In this topic, we have ordered the 8 planets in our Solar System and compared planets.