Our Mission Statement:
‘We arise today, to learn, love and grow through Jesus.’
...is at the heart of all we do and underpins other learning and experiences in school. We aim to create an environment in which each individual has the opportunity to thrive supported by values of Christ firmly built into our everyday foundations.
Through the Mission Statement, we aim:
- For all children to learn and achieve to the very best of their abilities, educating our children through a broad and balanced curriculum that recognises, values and enhances individual talents.
- For all children to learn positively, in a stimulating environment, that allows them to develop to their full potential.
- To love one another, following Jesus’ example, ensuring that children appreciate the value of and equality between individuals.
- To work together as a loving family, ensuring strong home-school links to fully prepare our children to be positive influences in the world.
- To foster growth in spiritual, moral, social and cultural understanding within the context of the Catholic faith, while encouraging a respect and understanding of other faiths and beliefs.
- To ensure growth and development of self respect, a sense of individual worth, skills in co-operation and the consideration of others, within a warm, welcoming, caring and safe environment.
- To enable children to grow and develop their skills in independent learning and to develop an awareness that their personal skills can be used independently to shape their own choices and future.
Click here to see a video about our Mission Statement and Aims.