Saint Patrick’s Catholic Primary School
'We arise today, to learn, love and grow through Jesus.’
Name Mr Dan Edwardson
Type of Governor Staff Governor
Appointed on 9th May 2023
Term of office 4 Years
Pecuniary interests and relationships Mr Edwardson has no declarations of pecuniary interest. Mr Edwardson is a member of staff in school. He does not have a governance role in any other school.
Appointing body As a Staff Governor he was elected by the staff.
Governor Responsibilities:
Specific responsibilities
As staff governor I would like become more involved in the development of Saint Patrick’s in its mission to remain outstanding. I am a committed, driven and reflective practitioner who is dedicated to ensuring that the forward-looking vision of the school is maintained successfully and consistently by all stakeholders. As staff governor, I aim to represent the broad views and opinions of staff during meetings, whilst remaining impartial and confidential at all times. Using my knowledge of the school, I feel that I am able to demonstrate the ability to support the aims of the governing body from the perspective of a member of staff in achieving the best outcomes for the school, staff and children.