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July 2024: Year 6 Residential

Year 6 recently enjoyed a wonderful residential to Boreatton Park. The children enjoyed taking part in a range of activities and making memories with their peers and teachers.



June 2024 - England Football Fever!

To celebrate England in this year's European Championships, all children took part in a thirty minute football fun activity. 



June 2024 - Faith in Action Celebrations

This year's Faith in Action Group received their Awards from Bishop Tom Neylon, in a Presentation Ceremony in St Helens. 



May 2024 - Celebrations in Honour of Our Lady, Mother of God.

This year's Sacramental Preparation Group led the whole school in this year's celebrations in Honour of Our Blessed Lady.



May 2024: Magistrates in the Community

Year 5 and Year 6 enjoyed visits from two local Magistrates, Sara and Karen, to learn more about the role of the Magistrates Court and the rule of law.



April 2024 - 'Happy and Healthy Kids'

Year 5 and Year 6 Children participated in a variety of workshops from HH Kids. Themes included: Smoking and Alcohol Awareness and Making Assertive Decisions.



April 2024 - Terrific Textiles!

Across the school, all children have enjoyed participating in the Design and Technology Textiles Topic. Everyone enjoyed researching, designing, manufacturing, refining and evaluating their finished products.



March 2024 - Lenten Service

The whole school, alongside parishioners, gathered in Church for our end of term Lenten Service. Father O'Shea and Father Hugh led us in prayer.



March 2024 - Easter Jubilations!

On the last day of the Spring Term, we had an Easter fun day. The Easter Bunny visited to help draw out Easter Egg winners, across the School, in our annual raffle.



March 2024 - Scarf Workshops

All Year Groups worked with our Scarf visitor on what makes a happy and healthy friendship.



March 2024 - The Wonder Dome

All Year Groups enjoyed a visit to the Wonder Dome, learning about the Solar System and all of the Planets. 



March 2024 - Farm Visits School

All Year Groups enjoyed a visit from the Farm.



March 2024 - Celebrations for our Patron, Saint Patrick.

After learning about Saint Patrick, we held our annual Procession and Feast Day Mass to celebrate and honour our Patron.



March 2024: Care for Creation Mass and Conference.

We were delighted to host The Archdiocese of Liverpool's Care for Creation Conference. The Celebrations began with Holy Mass at St Patrick's Church, with the Principal Celebrant being Bishop John Arnold of Salford Diocese. The Mass was concelebrated by the Archbishop of Liverpool, Malcolm McMahon, and Father Hugh. The Conference - held in the Junior Hall - comprised of workshops and talks. 



March 2024 - World Book Week and Visiting Poet

We held our annual World Book Week celebrations that culminated in Paul Delaney, a visiting Poet, working with all Year Groups in school. The children also enjoyed dressing up as their favourite characters and reading some of Paul's published works.



March 2024 -Heritage Centre Trips

Children in Key Stage Two have attended the Heritage Centre, during March, to attend workshops to support their History learning. Themes included: Coal Mining in Wigan, Ancient Egypt and The Industrial Revolution.



February 2024 - Ash Wednesday

We marked the start of Lent with a Service, in Church, that concluded with Father O'Shea and Father Hugh distributing Ashes to our children and families.



February 2024 - Finance Workshops

Children in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 participated in Finance Education and Awareness Workshops.

February 2024 – NSPCC Number Day

All Classes celebrated the NSPCC’s Number Day. Activities included being Number Detectives, setting each other number challenges and solving problems.


February 2024 – Safer Internet Day

Children across the school learned how to stay safe online, participating in fun activities for Safer Internet Day.

February 2024 - Sacramental Preparation Begins.

The 2024 Sacramental Preparation Group began the Programme by exploring St Patrick's Church and learning about the different symbolisms. 

February 2024 - Zoo Lab

The Zoo Lab came to visit Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 Children.

January 2024 - Arrival of Father Hugh.

We welcomed Father Hugh Donleavy to St Patricks, in his first appointment since Ordination, as our Parish Curate.

January 2024 - Fire Safety

Our local firefighters visited Classes to talk about their work and how to be safe.

December 2023 - Christmas Activities

All children have participated in a range of Christmas activities, including: Year Group Assemblies; a Christmas Panto; Festive Fun in Class and a Service of Readings and Hymns for the Liturgical Season of Advent.

December 2023 - RockKidz

All Year Groups worked with RockKids to learn about respect and kindness.

December 2023 - Positive Relationships

All Year Groups worked with visitors, from Wigan Council, to learn about forming and maintaining positive relationships and interactions.

November 2023 - Year 6 Retreat:

Year 6 visited Animate Catholic Youth at Lowe House, St Helens, for a Day Retreat.

November 2023 - Children in Need

We held a non-uniform day and a collection to support the work of Children in Need.

November 2023 - Healthy Lunches.

Visitors from Wigan Council worked across School to help children learn about what makes a healthy lunch (and the importance of lots of exercise too!).

November 2023 - Dogs Trust

Visitors from the Dogs Trust worked with every Year Group on their work and how to be safe around dogs.

November 2023 - We Remember (through VAR).

Children in KS2 participated in a VAR Workshop to help them in their 'We Remember' History Topic.

October 2023 - Cup Competition

Pupils from Year 5 and Year 6 represented St Patricks at a range of Sporting Events.

October 2023 - Road Safety

Year 3 and Year 4 learned about Road Safety in an exciting workshop.

October 2023 - Black History Month

Every Year Group participated in a workshop to celebrate Black History Month.

October 2023 - Collection for The Brick

As a school, we made a large donation to The Brick Foodbank.

October 2023 - CAFOD Workshops:

CAFOD (The Catholic Agency for Overseas Development) came in to school to deliver Assemblies and Workshops for all Year Groups.

September 2023 - LiveSimply Award

We were delighted to achieve CAFOD's LiveSimply Award. This follows a year of hard work and commitment to applying Catholic Social Teaching in all aspects of our School.

September 2023 - Start of Academic Year Mass

Father O'Shea celebrated a beautiful Start of Year Mass for the Whole School.

July 2023 - Leavers' Celebrations:

Our Year 6 Leavers participated in a moving End of Year Mass, Assembly and 'PatsFest' Fun Activities to end their time at St Patricks.

July 2023 - Sports' Day

Each Year Group held Races and Competitions. 

June 2023 - Football and Netball Tournaments:

Children, from across the School, represented St Patricks at various Competitions and Events.

June 2023: Industrial Revolution Workshops

To support their History Topic, Year 6 visited Wigan Heritage Centre for workshops on the Industrial Revolution.

June 2023: RockKids.

The Whole School enjoyed assemblies and workshops delivered by RockKids on the Theme of Anti-Bullying.

June 2023 - Faith in Action Award

Our Faith in Action Group achieved the Faith in Action Award, presented by Bishop John Rawsthorne in St Helens.

May 2023 - Celebrations in Honour of Our Lady, Mother of God.

This year's Sacramental Preparation Group led the whole school in this year's celebrations in Honour of Our Blessed Lady.

May 2023 - First Holy Communion

This year's Sacramental Preparation Group celebrated their First Holy Communion during a beautiful Holy Mass.

May 2023 - Mission Statement Review Day:

Children in Years 5 and 6 worked with Animate Catholic Youth Ministries to help review our School's Mission Statement.

May 2023 - Coronation of Charles III

All Year Groups learned about, and celebrated, the Coronation of King Charles III.

April 2023 - Visiting Poet

Matt Goodfellow, a Poet, came to work with each Year Group in School.

April 2023 - TT Rockstars Day:

The Whole School dressed as Rockstars for a Times Tables Theme Day.

April 2023 - Magistrates in the Community:

Years 5 and 6 worked with two local Magistrates, who came in to School to talk about their role and that of the Courts.

April 2023 - Year 6 Retreat:

Year 6 visited Animate Catholic Youth at Lowe House, St Helens, for a Day Retreat.

March 2023 - Patronal Feast Celebrations:

On St Patrick's Day, we celebrated our School's Patron with a Procession and Holy Mass.

March 2023 - Yellow Fish Project:

Children in Years 4, 5 and 6 worked with visitors, from United Utilities, to promote clean rivers and drains in Wigan.

March 2023 - World Book Week:

We celebrated 'World Book Day' by having a 'World Book Week'; this week's Theme being 'Playscripts'. This culminated in dressing up, as our favourite characters, on the final day of the celebrations. 

February 2023 - Year 4 visit Our Cathedral:

Year 4 visited the Catholic Cathedral of Christ the King in Liverpool.

February 2023 - Young Voices:

Our School Choir, made up of members from across the School, performed at Young Voices in Manchester.

January 2023 - Library Visits:

All Year Groups in School visited Wigan Library.

January 2023 - Bank of England Online Workshops:

The Bank of England delivered online workshops to children across the School.

December 2022 - Whole School Panto Trip

We visited St Helens' Theatre Royal to watch their Production of 'Cinderella'.

December 2022 - Crime and Punishment Trip:

To support their History Topic, Year 5 visited the Police Museum in Manchester.

December 2022 - Commando Joes:

All children participated in activities, ran by Commando Joes, to practise life skills and perseverance. 

November 2022 - Remembrance Events:

In School, all children have been learning about what and why we remember during this time.

October 2022 - CAFOD Workshops:

CAFOD (The Catholic Agency for Overseas Development) came in to school to deliver Assemblies and Workshops for all Year Groups.

September 2022 - Start of Academic Year Mass

Father O'Shea celebrated a beautiful Start of Year Mass for the Whole School.

July 2022 - Leavers' Celebrations:

Our Year 6 Leavers participated in a moving End of Year Mass, Assembly and 'PatsFest' Fun Activities to end their time at St Patricks.

July 2022 - Life Education Workshops

All children participated in workshops from the Life Education Company.

July 2022 - Positive Relationships

All Year Groups worked with visitors, from Wigan Council, to learn about forming and maintaining positive relationships and interactions.

June 2022 - Faith in Action Award

Our Faith in Action Group achieved St Patrick's very first Faith in Action Award, presented by Archbishop Malcolm in a moving ceremony.

June 2022 - Roman Workshop

To support their History Topic, Year 3 visited the Wigan Heritage Centre for a Romans Workshop.

June 2022 - 'Happy and Healthy Kids'

Year 5 and Year 6 Children participated in a variety of workshops from HH Kids. Themes included: Smoking and Alcohol Awareness and Making Assertive Decisions.

June 2022 - Farm Visits

Every Year Group visited a Farm to support Topic Learning; Visits included to a Kale Farm and to a Nature Farm.

June 2022 - Finance Workshops

Children in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 participated in Finance Education and Awareness Workshops.

June 2022 - Platinum Jubilee Celebrations

Across the School, we have been celebrating Her Majesty's Platinum Jubilee and learning about her Reign.

May 2022 - Celebrations in Honour of Our Lady, Mother of God.

This year's Sacramental Preparation Group led the whole school in this year's celebrations in Honour of Our Blessed Lady.

May 2022 - First Holy Communion

This year's Sacramental Preparation Group celebrated their First Holy Communion during a beautiful Holy Mass.

April 2022 - Holy Week Service

Children, from across the School, led the Parish Family in Prayer and Song as we journeyed through Holy Week.


April 2022 - Y5 Coal Mining Workshop

To support their History Topic, Year 5 visited the Wigan Heritage Centre for a Coal Mining Workshop.

April 2022 - 'Living Eggs Hatching Experience'

Children in Nursery, Reception and Year 1 learned about new life and watched chicks hatch from their eggs.

April 2022 - Y3 Art Gallery Visit

Year 3 visited the Walker Art Gallery in Liverpool.

March 2022 - Wonder Dome

The Wonder Dome visited all Year Groups, helping the children learn more about the Solar System.

March 2022 - World Book Week

We celebrated 'World Book Day' by having a 'World Book Week'; we hosted 'Stay and Read' and 'Meet the Author'. This culminated in dressing up, as our favourite characters, on the final day of the celebrations. 

March 2022 - Patronal Feast Celebrations

On St Patrick's Day, we celebrated our School's Patron with a Procession and Holy Mass.

February 2022 - Birds of Prey

Children, from across the school, enjoyed meeting a variety of different birds. 

February 2022 - Athletics Tournament

Children, from various Year Groups, represented school at an Athletics Tournament.

January 2022 - Farm Visits School

All Year Groups enjoyed a visit from the Farm.

December 2021 - Christmas Activities

All children have participated in a range of Christmas activities, including: Year Group Assemblies; a Christmas Panto; Festive Fun in Class and a Service of Readings and Hymns for the Liturgical Season of Advent.

November 2021 - Faith in Action Group Formed

The very first St Patrick's Faith in Action Group is formed; helping to develop Prayer and Liturgy across the school.

October 2021 - Hello Yellow Mental Health Awareness

Children were invited to wear something yellow, as they learned about maintaining positive mental health.

October 2021 - Collection for The Brick

As a school, we made a large donation to The Brick Foodbank.

September 2021 - Start of Academic Year Mass

Father O'Shea celebrated a beautiful Start of Year Mass, with the whole school, in Church.

July 2021 - Leavers' Celebrations:

Our Year 6 Leavers participated in a moving End of Year Mass, Assembly and 'PatsFest' Fun Activities to end their time at St Patricks.



June 2021 - WBDAS Workshops

All children from Receptions - Year 6 took part in a workshop to talk about healthy relationships. Each workshop was tailored to the children's age and taught them about right and wrong in any relationship.

June 2021 - England Day!

The children dressed up in red and white or in football tops/kits to support England in the Euro 2020 football tournament. 

May 2021 - Maths Problem Solving Day

The children spent the day investigating and problem solving. The whole school theme was linked to fractions and each year group had a different 'case study' where they had to complete a variety of activities to solve the case. 

March 2021 - Comic relief

To raise money for Comic Relief, the children took part in our 'Get your Funny On' day where they came to school dressed as comically as they could and donated £1 to our Just Giving page. The children spent the afternoon completing fun activities and even did some stand up comedy to raise the level of funny!

March 2021 - World Book Day

To celebrate World Book Day, the children of St. Patrick's dressed up as their favourite fictional character. Throughout the day, the children explored the work of Roald Dahl and used this as a stimulus for creative writing and illustrating. 

February 2021 - Children's Mental Health Week

To celebrate Children's Mental Health Week, the children of St. Patrick's took part in a day of wearing bright colours or fancy dress and enjoyed a day of treats and extra breaks to support their mental wellbeing.

November 2020 - Y6 Bikeability

Throughout the course of a few weeks, the Y6 children completed their bikeability training. They were taught: how to ride safely on the roads; how to use hand signals; how to travel in and out of junctions and how to to keep themselves and others safe.

November 2020 - Children in Need

To raise money for Children in Need, the children took part in a non-uniform day and donated £1 each. 

November 2020 - Remembrance Day

On the build up to Remembrance Day, the children explored why we remember through their Cross Curricular topic 'We Remember.' They created poems and art work to celebrate those who fought in the war. 

October 2020 - Poetry Day

The published poet, Andy Tooze, visited St. Patrick'to work with the children on preparing and performing poems. Each year group created poems surrounding themes that can be found in Andy Tooze's books. These themes were:

Y1 - The Not So Old

Y2- Animals

Y3 - Bodies

Y4 - Fragile Nature

Y5 - Me and My Mind

Y6 - Be Yourself

October/November 2020 - First Holy Communion

Throughout the months of October and November, our Y5 children have been making their First Holy Communion. This was unfortunately delayed due to National Lockdown and restrictions however, the children have now been able to take this next important step in their faith. Congratulations children!

October 2020 - The Brick Collection

On the last day of the Autumn 1 term, the children came to school in their own clothes and brought with them a donation for the local charity, The Brick. The children gave generously and, as always, we donated a substantial amount of food to support our local community. 

October 2020 - Wellbeing Theme Day

The children explored the book 'Here We Are' by Oliver Jeffers and used this to discuss sensitive subjects. The children worked together to create a whole school display that showed what they love about the world, who they love in the world, what they are lucky enough to have and what their hopes and dreams are for the future. 

October 2020 - PSHE&C Theme Day - Fulfilled lives 

The children explored what it means to be fulfilled and happy. They discussed what they have in their lives to be thankful for and concentrated on all the positive aspects of their personal world.

October 2020 - Poetry Theme Day

Andy Tooze, a popular children's poet, came to work with the children on planning, writing and performing poetry. The children then wrote their own poetry based around a theme. 

September 2020 - Music Theme Day

Throughout the day, the children explored music of different genres, they researched the artists/groups and the history of the music. They explored the rhythm and pulse of the music, wrote lyrics and even learned to sign a song! They performed their work at the end of the day in a whole school Microsoft Teams assembly.

September 2020 - This is Me!

In Autumn 1, the children took part in our whole school Art theme week, This is Me. The children created a self-portrait after they explored an artist, their work and their techniques. 


Autumn Term 2020 - Wellbeing Walk

Everyday, the children take part in our wellbeing walk where they walk in the local community surrounding our school. 

March 2020 - Rock Kids
March 2020 - World Book Day

February 2020 - Ash Wednesday

To mark the start of Lent, the whole school attended the Ash Wednesday service at St Patrick's Church. Father O'Shea reminded the children that Lent is the Liturgical Season of Fasting, Almsgiving and Abstinence. Mr Marshall helped Fr O'Shea distribute the Ashes to the Parish and the children went forth reflecting on how they could grow closer to Our Lord in their personal Lenten journey. 

February 2020 - Love Day
January 2020 - Inspiring Healthy Lifestyles Session with Nursery
January 2020 - Speak Out, Stay Safe (NSPCC)
January 2020 - The Farm visits Nursery

December 2019 - Christmas Service

As we approached the end of Advent, the children led a Christmas Service in church. This retold the story and importance of Jesus' birth in Bethlehem through Sacred Scripture, song and drama. In a retiring collection, over £100 was raised towards the Nugent Care Charity.

December 2019 - Elf Day

In Nursery, the staff and children dressed up as Elves to raise money and awareness for the  Alzheimer’s Society. We raised £100!

December 2019 - Christmas Markets
December 2019 - Breakfast with Santa
November 2019 - Road Safety Workshop
November 2019 - Children In Need
November 2019 - Inspiring Healthy Lifestyles Workshop (Nursery)
Week beginning 11/11/2019 - Anti-bulling Week
Week beginning 4/11/2019 - Whole School visit to the Heritage museum
November 2019 - Year 6 walking visit to the Cenotaph
October 2019 - Year 5 & 6 Rugby Competition
October 2019 - Hello Yellow
October 2019 - Poetry Workshop
September 2019 - Fire Service visits Year 6
September 2019 - Year 1 Local Area Walk
September 2019 - Macmillan Coffee Morning

September 2019 - Boreatton Park

The Year 6 children spent a fun-filled week at Boreatton Park. Activities included: parasailing, canoeing, abseiling, archery, high ropes, orienteering and raft building.

July 2019 - Year 6 visit to the Maritime Museum and Tate Liverpool
July 2019 - Health and Well-being Day
July 2019 - Chester Zoo
July 2019 - Blackpool Sealife Centre
July 2019 - Reception visit Mere Sands Wood
June 2019 - Crucial Crew (Year 5)
June 2019 - Explorer Dome
June 2019- Year 5 visit John Fisher
June 2019 - Diversity Day
June 2019 - Whole School Art Week
June 2019 - Book Bus
June 2019 - D-Day with Mr Walsh
May 2019 - Year 4 & 5 Football Competition
May 2019 - Year 2 & 3 Football Competition
May 2019 - Drugs and Alcohol Workshop

May 2019 - May Day Procession and Crowning

To celebrate May - the month of Mary - the whole school processed into Church behind a statue and banners of Our Lady. Each class designed a banner and a selection of children from this year's Sacramental Preparation class formed the May Crowning group. The May Queen - Agnes - crowned Our Lady's statue as the congregation sang 'Bring flowers of the rarest'. Later, Fr O'Shea exposed the Blessed Sacrament and led us in a children's version of Benediction. 

May 2019 - Alcohol Awareness (Year 5)
April 2019 - Friendship Day
March 2019 - Year 2 visit to The Library
March 2019 - Year 1 visit to the Library
March 2019 - Year 4 Tag Rugby Tournament at Dean Trust
March 2019 - Mother's Day Event
March 2019 - World Book Day
March 2019 - Year 5 visit to the Science and Industry Museum

March 2019 - St Patrick's Day Celebration

To celebrate our Patronal Feast, a whole school Mass - alongside the wider Parish - was celebrated in St Patrick's Church. We processed into church, behind a banner and statue of St Patrick, singing 'Hail Glorious, Saint Patrick'. Each class produced a banner which was then displayed on the altar. We enjoyed answering Fr O'Shea's questions about St Patrick's life and participating in the Mass for our Patron. Later, a celebratory reception was held in the school hall.  

March 2019 - Year 5 Football Tournament at Soccer Dome
March 2019 - Red Nose Day

March 2019 - Ash Wednesday

To mark the start of Lent, the whole school attended the Ash Wednesday service at St Patrick's Church. Father O'Shea reminded the children that Lent is the Liturgical Season of Fasting, Almsgiving and Abstinence. Mr Marshall helped Fr O'Shea distribute the Ashes to the Parish and the children went forth reflecting on how they could grow closer to Our Lord in their personal Lenten journey. 

Week beginning 25/02/2019 - St Patrick's visit to the Library
February 2019 - Year 5 visit to the Library
February 2019 - Domestic Violence Workshop (Whole School)
February 2019 - Whole School Challenge Day
February 2019 - Year 6 Badminton Competition
February 2019 - Firefighters visit Reception

February 2019 - Multicultural Week

The whole school enjoyed exploring the culture of India. The workshop included: learning Indian dance routines, listening to Indian music, creating Indian artwork, getting a henna tattoo and a food tasting session.

February 2019 - Young Voices
January 2019 - Year 6 Volleyball Competition
January 2019 - Wigan Warriors

January 2019 - Viking Workshop (Year 4)

To support their Cross-Curricular topic 'The Vikings', Year 4 were visited by a Viking warrior. We enjoyed learning and sharing lots of information and handling the various Viking weapons and objects. 

January 2019 - Nursey Farm Visit
January 2019 - Police visit regarding Cyber-bullying (Year 5&6)
January 2019 - Year 1 Tennis Taster Session
December 2018 - Christmas Markets
December 2018 - Christmas Jumper Day 
December 2018 - Year 4 & 5 Swimming Gala

December 2018 - St Patrick's watch Cinderella at Southport Theatre 

A fabulous time was had by all...Oh yes we did!!  There was lots of belly laughs and fun when interacting with the cast and enjoying their crazy antics on stage!

November 2018 - Roman's Workshop (Year 3)

November 2018 - Fr O'Shea visits the Reception children (Baptism)

Father O'Shea, our Parish Priest, visited school to perform a mock Baptism. We enjoyed sharing with Father all that we knew about this important, first Sacrament. 

Week beginning 12/11/2018 - Whole School Anti-bullying Week

November 2018 - Year 4's Canal visit

To support their 'Local Communities' topic, Year 4 visited Fosters' Field and the canal in Ince. We explored the wide range of views and looked at a range of habitats in the local environment. 

November 2018 - Year 5 & 6 Basketball Competition
October 2018 - Football Tournament

October 2018 - CAFOD visits St Patrick's:

The children enjoyed learning about ways we can all make a difference in helping to look after our planet.

October 2018 - Year 5 visit to the Imperial War Museum.


October 2018 - Year 1 Trip to The Museum
September 2018 - Year 6 Football Tournament at Leigh Sports Village 
September 2018 - Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue visit Year 6

September 2018 - Year 6's Building Stronger Communities Workshop


September 2018 - Year 4's Walking Trip to The Monument 

To support their 'Ancient and Loyal' topic, Year 4 walked to the Monument on Wigan Lane. The Monument marks and remembers Wigan's involvement in the English Civil War and pays tribute to those who lost their life in the conflict. 

September 2018 - Boreatton Park

The Year 6 children spent a fun-filled week at Boreatton Park. Activities included: parasailing, canoeing, abseiling, archery, high ropes, orienteering and raft building.
