Saint Patrick’s Catholic Primary School
'We arise today, to learn, love and grow through Jesus.’
Here at St, Patrick’s we firmly believe that good behaviour is central to a good education.
We manage behaviour well so we can provide calm, safe and supportive environments
which our children want to attend and where they can learn and thrive.
Being taught how to behave well and appropriately within our school is vital for all pupils
to succeed personally.
* Working together to adopt a whole school culture of positivity
* Working together to maintain a calm, safe and supportive environment for teaching and learning
* Working together to prevent behaviours that challenge
* Getting to know each child inside out in order to act quickly
* Making every interaction a positive interaction
A whole-school approach to behaviour:
Day in day out we ensure high standards and expectations of good behaviour pervade all aspects of school life including the culture, ethos, and values of the school, how pupils are taught and encouraged to behave, the response to misbehaviour and the relationships between staff, pupils and parents.
Everyone treats one another with dignity, kindness and respect.
All staff know the importance of being consistent and fair which helps create a predictable environment. Staff recognise how some children may require additional support to meet school’s behaviour expectations and understand the importance of how this support should be give consistently and predictably, as well as being applied fairly and only where necessary.
Staff promote our simple, clear and well communicated expectations of behaviour with their daily practise and regularly make links to bespoke training on the needs of the children who attend our school. The two together guarantee behaviour is managed consistently so that children and staff can thrive, achieve and build positive relationships based on predictability, fairness and trust.
Creating and maintaining high standards of behaviour:
Staff understand how a clear vision of what good behaviour looks like promotes excellent behaviour.
This clear vision ensures pupils can learn in a calm, safe, and supportive environment, protecting them from disruption.
Maintaining high standards of behaviour is not only vital in ensuring that teachers can deliver the curriculum, but also plays a critical role in ensuring that the school is a safe environment for all pupils.