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Attendance and Punctuality

Saint Patrick’s Catholic Primary School

'We arise today, to learn, love and grow through Jesus.’


Good attendance and punctuality are vital for the achievements

of the pupils here at Saint Patrick’s. We continually strive to make improvements to our whole school attendance, to ensure all of our pupils achieve the best that they can. This is supported by parents and carers ensuring their children attend every day and arrive on time. Studies have proven the significantly negative impact absences and late arrivals have on a child's education and overall development. 


To ensure success, the attendance of all children is closely monitored by staff in school and also by our school attendance officer Ruth Cooper from Wigan Council.


We hope that all pupils can achieve very good, if not excellent, attendance. 

Any child’s percentage score that is below 95% will lead to further enquiry.

Below 90% being of significant concern with immediate action to improve.


We keep all families up to date by sending out half termly letter.


Parents of children who are persistently absent or continually late will be invited to attend a meeting in school with Mr McConnell and Mrs Ruth Cooper to discuss how it is best to move forward.




Attendance Matters - Termly Updates
At the end of each term, parents will receive an ‘Attendance Matters’ update

which will provide families with details of their child’s attendance.



If you have any questions or queries regarding your child's attendance please do not hesitate to contact Mr McConnell or Mrs Cooper, who are always happy to help, during the school day. 
