Saint Patrick’s Catholic Primary School
'We arise today, to learn, love and grow through Jesus.’
Name Mr Ian Travis
Type of Governor Foundation Governor
Appointed on 27th November 2023
Term of office 4 Years
Pecuniary interests and relationships Mr Travis has no declarations of pecuniary interest. Mr Travis does not have a governance role in any other school.
Appointing body Mr Travis was appointed to the Governing Body on 27th November 2023 to 2027. As a Foundation Governor he was appointed by the Archdiocese of Liverpool.
Governor Responsibilities:
Specific responsibilities
I am an active member of the Parish and as one of the Foundation Governors for St Patrick’s, I am particularly focused on the Catholic life of the school.
Professionally, I have worked for Nugent (Catholic Social Services) for over 30 years, with experience of monitoring regulatory standards, internal audit, health, safety and well-being compliance and performance management.