Saint Patrick’s Catholic Primary School
'We arise today, to learn, love and grow through Jesus.’
Name David Wall
Type of Governor LA Governor
Appointed on David Wall was reappointed to the Governing Body on 27th January 2022 to 26th January 2026.
Term of office 4 Years
Pecuniary interests and relationships Mr Wall has no declarations of pecuniary interest and does not have a governance role at any other school.
Appointing body As LA Governor he was appointed by the Governing Body.
Governor Responsibilities:
Specific Responsibilities
I am very proud to be Chair of Governors here at St Patrick’s R.C. Primary School after being a pupil here for my primary school years. I am currently the Head of Performing Arts at St John Rigby College where I have worked for 16 years teaching Music, Acting, and Music Technology. I have also worked in primary schools, including St Patrick’s Primary School and St William’s Primary School. I was organist and director of music at St Patrick’s Church and St William’s Church from 2005 until 2013.
I am the Northwest Youth Coordinator for the National Operatic and Dramatic Association. I am also a musical director in various theatres. I am the Archdiocese of Liverpool Subject Lead for Music which sees me visit various schools and colleges to look at their music provision.
I gained my Music degree (MusB Hons.) from the University of Manchester, followed by a PGCE from UCLan, and most recently an MA in Traditional and World Music from the University of Sheffield. I have a love of learning which is matched by my love of teaching, learning, and assessment with young people. I play piano, organ, and I am a singer. Most recently during COVID, I decided to teach myself saxophone too. I have composed various pieces for choirs, arranged music for the Greater Manchester Police Band, and written resources for exam boards - alongside being an examiner for Music and Performing Arts.
My proudest moments have been winning an award for my services to youth theatre, and meeting the then Prince, now King, Charles to talk about arts education in Wigan and the Northwest.
I am proud to be part of the St Patrick’s journey and have been a member of staff, and then governor, at St Patrick’s since 2008.