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Year 4


To catch up the geography curriculum that was missed in Year 3, the Year 4 children explored the topic 'Deserts'. During this topic, they learned all about the different deserts in the world, where these are and the children located them on a world map.

They researched and compared the weather and climates in the deserts and learned how humans utilise them. Additionally, they learned about how deserts are formed and the issues surrounding desertification. 


Every Monday afternoon, the Year 4 children have participated in catch-up curriculum lessons to ensure they have covered all objectives that were missed in the Spring and Summer term, 2020. During this time, the children have caught up the Year 3 objectives for following topics; addition and subtraction, fractions and decimals and formal methods of multiplication.


Every Monday afternoon, the Year 4 children have participated in catch-up curriculum lessons to ensure they have covered all objectives that were missed in the Spring and Summer term, 2020. During this time, the children have caught up some of the Year 3 objectives for spelling, grammar and punctuation whilst transitioning and developing each skill from a Year 3 objective to a Year 4 objective. They have covered the following areas of the English curriculum; nouns, adjectives, expanded noun phrases, fronted adverbials, adverbs, adverbial phrases and tenses.


The children participate in reading lessons for half an hour, everyday. During this time, the children have been working in smaller groups, with an adult, to further support the catch up of their fluency, word reading and comprehension. The children have worked hard to improve their word reading by 'speed reading' for 60 seconds each day and trying to read a larger amount than the previous day. They have continued to develop their retrieval skills, inference skills, predicting skills and their understanding of key vocabulary. To put these skills into practise, they have regularly completed comprehension questions to ensure they are able to answer test style questions. 
