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Claire Heddle

Saint Patrick’s Catholic Primary School

'We arise today, to learn, love and grow through Jesus.’




Name Mrs Claire Heddle


Type of Governor Foundation Governor


Appointed on  5th December 2023


Term of office  4 Years


Pecuniary interests and relationships Mrs Heddle has no declarations of pecuniary interest. Mrs Heddle does not have a governance role in any other school.


Appointing body Mrs Claire Heddle was appointed to the Governing Body on 5th December 2023 to 2027. As a Foundation Governor she was appointed by the Archdiocese of Liverpool.


Governor Responsibilities:

Specific responsibilities

  • Quality of Education- Link governor for the Creative Curriculum
  • Leadership & Management- Link governor for Behaviour and Safety




I’m Claire and am a singer whose work has included performing in Opera houses around the world and in some of the most beautiful Cathedrals across Europe. After starting a family, I decided to teach music performance in schools and I keep my own love of music going, singing locally for Weddings and Funerals. I’m a member of St. Cuthbert’s but sing regularly at St. Patrick's.

I love children and am excited to be involved in supporting the staff in providing a balanced education, inspiring the pupils to fulfil their potential and develop the many gifts they have within a caring, supportive and happy Christian community.
