Key stage 1
Pupils should be taught to:
Year 1
Choose a song they have learnt from the Scheme and perform it.
They can add their ideas to the performance.
Record the performance and say how they were feeling about it.
Year 2
Choose a song they have learnt from the Scheme and perform it.
They can add their ideas to the performance.
Record the performance and say how they were feeling about it using simple musical vocabulary.
Year 3
To choose what to perform.
To communicate the meaning of the words and clearly articulate them.
To talk about the best place to be when performing and how to stand or sit.
To record the performance and say how they were feeling, what they were pleased with what they would change.
Year 4
To choose what to perform and begin to create a programme.
Present a musical performance designed to capture the audience.
To communicate the meaning of the words and clearly articulate them.
To talk about the best place to be when performing and how to stand or sit and why.
To record the performance and say how they were feeling, what they were pleased with what they would change and why.
Year 5
Create simple melodies using up to five different notes and simple rhythms that work musically with the style of the Unit song.
Begin to explain the keynote or home note and the structure of the melody.
Listen to and reflect upon the developing composition and make musical decisions about how the melody connects with the song.
Record the composition in any way appropriate that recognises the connection between sound and symbol (e.g. graphic/pictorial notation).
Year 6
To choose what to perform and begin to create a programme.
Present a musical performance designed to capture the audience.
To communicate the meaning of the words and clearly articulate them.
To talk about the best place to be when performing and how to stand or sit and why.
To record the performance and say how they were feeling, what they were pleased with what they would change and why.