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Government Additional PE Funding

2022/2023 School Year:  


The school received a total grant of £18'610. This is being spent as follows:


  • To buy into and roll out the Get Set 4 PE scheme
  • To buy into a vast range of sports equipment to support the PE units outlined in the curriculum coverage
  • To convert the infant playground into an Astro turf arena suitable for PE lessons, lunchtime activities, intra and interschool competitions and to host sports day on
  • Employment of a specialist sports coach to work alongside staff to deliver quality P.E sessions and for all staff to receive CPD opportunities
  • To offer an enriching outdoor adventure residential to Year 6 children at the end of the academic year
  • To train up playleaders and offer incentives  
  • To continue to offer swimming lessons to Year 3 and Year 6 pupils
  • To continue to offer free Bikeability sessions to year 6 pupils to provide them the opportunity to learn to confidently ride a bike on pupil roads safely
  • To provide children opportunities to represent their year groups as part of intra and inter school competitions and challenges
  • To continue to offer lunchtime games and activities to all year groups embedding skills learnt in PE lessons to offer daily physical activity
  • On in-school interventions to target inactive and/or vulnerable children
  • To offer SEND pupils further physical activity opportunities through Just Join In festivals
  • To invest in early years outdoor provision to support physical development opportunities
  • To invest in external companies to provide sports related after school clubs to children across the early years and key stages
  • To invest in external services such as Commando Jo with a focus on growth mindset

2021/2022 School Year:

The school received a total grant of £18'590. This is being spent as follows:


  • Continue to embed the use of iPEP P.E scheme in P.E lessons
  • Ensuring equipment is available to deliver the iPEP scheme effectively throughout school
  • Employment of a specialist sports coach to work alongside staff to deliver quality P.E sessions and for all staff to receive CPD opportunities
  • The purchasing of equipment to successively delivery extra-curricular clubs and lunchtime playground activities
  • To invest in early years equipment to support physical development opportunities
  • To offer swimming lessons to Year 3 and Year 6 pupils
  • To offer free Bikeability sessions to year 6 pupils to provide them the opportunity to learn to confidently ride a bike on pupil roads safely
  • To provide children opportunities to represent their year groups as part of intra and inter school competitions and challenges
  • To continue to offer lunchtime games and activities to all year groups embedding skills learnt in PE lessons
  • On in-school interventions to target inactive and/or vulnerable children
  • To offer SEND pupils further physical activity opportunities through Just Join In festivals

2020 /2021 School Year


  • Continuing to use the iPEP P.E scheme in P.E lessons (from Reception to Year 6).
  • Ensure equipment is available to deliver the iPEP scheme effectively throughout school.
  • Employment of a specialist sports coach to work alongside staff to deliver P.E (CPD).
  • Purchasing equipment needed to run a range of extra-curricular clubs.
  • Promote active travel to school by continuing to use the Wow Travel Tracker scheme (when appropriate).
  • Swimming lessons offered to Year 3 and Year 6 (didn’t complete lessons due to Covid-19) to help more children reach the expected standard for swimming by the time they leave primary school.
  • Offer training on bikes to Year 6 pupils to ensure each child is able to confidently ride a bike on public roads safely (Bikeability sessions).
  • Opportunities for all children to take part in Outdoor and Adventurous Activities, as part of the iPEP scheme.
  • Opportunities for children to represent their year groups as part of Intra-school competitions and challenges.
  • Weekly P.E challenges shared every week throughout home learning to help improve participation.
  • Continuing to offer a range of opportunities to participate in physical activity by purchasing equipment to support organised games at lunchtimes (completed in bubble groups). HLTAs planned and delivered specialised inputs during outdoor games, at lunchtimes, to complement skills taught during P.E lessons.
  • Took part in the Joy of Moving Festival during our remote learning package.
  • Sports coach to be deployed to run interventions with targeted inactive children.

2019 /2020 School Year


The school received a total grant of £18,660. This is being spent as follows:


  • Investment and implementation of a new school P.E scheme (IPEP), with specialist sports coach to work alongside teachers as a form of CPD.
  • Continue to employ a P.E Specialist with an increased focus on targeting inactive children by offering a range of opportunities to participate in physical activity and to encourage more pupils to take part in competitive sport, through increased access to competitions and inter school events.
  • Offer a broader range of sports and activities to all pupils by purchasing equipment needed to run extra-curricular clubs (including the Safe and Sound breakfast and after school club).
  • Promote active travel to school by buying into the Wow Travel Tracker scheme.
  • All children in school to participate in ‘A Day in the Wigan Way’ assembly to focus on promoting healthy lifestyles, developing fundamental movement skills and positive mental attitudes during engagement in sporting activities.
  • Offer SEND pupils further physical activity opportunities through Just Join In festivals.
  • Encourage more children in Year 6 to reach the expected standard for swimming by the time they leave primary school by providing subsidised additional swimming sessions.
  • Offer BMX training to Year 4 and Year 5 pupils to ensure each child is able to confidently ride a bike (Balancibility and Bikeability sessions).
  • To ensure all Reception and Year 1 children have the opportunity to begin to learn how to ride a bike by building a track and purchasing balance bikes and helmets.
  • Opportunities for KS2 children to take part in Outdoor and Adventurous Activities.
  • Increased opportunities for children to represent their school in a range of competitive sports.
  • Continuing to offer an increased range of physical activity by purchasing equipment to support organised games at lunchtimes.
  • Opportunities for children to take part in sports leader activities.
  • Raising the profile of sport and physical activity/healthy lifestyles across school through special assemblies, physical activity wristbands, increased specialist coaches in school, increased participation in the school games calendar and whole school sports events.
  •  Accessing high quality coaching and specialist coaching in a specialist sport, whilst developing CPD for staff. (Cricket, Football, Multi skills, BMX, Dance)

2018-2019 PE Action Plan

2017 /2018 School Year


The school received a total grant of £18,560. This is being spent as follows:

  • Continue to employ a P.E Specialist with an increased focus on targeting inactive children by offering a range of physical activity opportunities and to encourage more pupils to take part in competitive sport, through increased access to competitions and inter school events.
  • Encourage more children in Y6 to reach the expected standard for swimming by the time they leave primary school by providing additional  swimming sessions.
  • Offer BMX training to Y4 and Y5 pupils to ensure each child is able to confidently ride a bike
  • To ensure all Reception and Year 1 children have the opportunity to begin to learn riding a bike by building a track and purchasing balance bikes and  helmets.
  • Opportunities for KS2 children to take part in Outdoor Activities such as orienteering and archery.
  • Increased opportunities for children to represent their school in a range of competitive sports.
  • Offer a broader range of sports and activities to all pupils by purchasing equipment needed to run extra curricular clubs.
  • Support and involve the least active children by running Change 4 Life clubs, an Active Literacy Club and attending cluster events targeting the least active children.
  • Continuing to offer an increased range of physical activity by purchasing equipment to support organised games at lunchtimes.
  • Opportunities for children to take part in sports leader activities.
  • Raising  the profile of sport and physical activity/healthy life styles across school through  special assemblies,  physical activity wristbands, increased specialist coaches in school, increased participation in the Sainsbury School Games and  whole school sports events.
  •  Accessing high quality coaching and specialist coaching in a specialist sport, whilst developing CPD for staff. (Cricket, Football, Multi skills, BMX, Dance)

2016/2017 Swimming Data. Document also includes current Year 6 Top Up Swimming data from Spring 2018.

2016 /2017 School Year


The school received a total grant of £9,261. This was spent as follows:

  • Continue to employ a P.E Specialist with a focus on Sports and PE
  • Purchase PE teaching resources  linked to the new primary curriculum
  • Encourage more pupils to take part in competitive sport, through increased access to competitions and inter school events
  • £400 to offer BMX training to Y4 and Y5 pupils to ensure each child is able to confidently ride a bike
  • Opportunities for KS2 children to take part in Outdoor Activities such as orienteering and archery.
  • Support and involve the least active children by running Change 4 Life clubs.

2015 /2016 School Year


The school received a total grant of £9,235. This was spent as follows:

  • To employ a P.E Specialist with a focus on Sports and PE
  • £140 Membership in the Youth Sports
  • Purchase PE teaching resources linked to the new primary curriculum
  • Encourage more pupils to take part in competitive sport, through increased access to competitions and inter school events
  • £400 to offer BMX training to Y4 and Y5 pupils to ensure each child is able to confidently ride a bike

2014 /2015 School Year


The school received a total grant of £8,920. This was spent as follows:

  • £4200 to employ of a Modern Apprentice with a focus on Sports and PE skills
  • £140 Membership in the Youth Sports Trust
  • £3530 towards a training circuit and 4 BMX bikes
  • £400 to offer BMX training to Y4 and Y5 pupils to ensure each child is able to confidently ride a bike
  • £650 on additional sports equipment to support extra curricular sports activities. 
Follow this link for additional PE funding information, policies and action plans