At St Patrick’s Catholic Primary School, we operate an ‘open door’ policy. The class teacher is available to discuss progress/concerns, and to share information about strategies that are working well within school so that similar strategies may be used at home. Before the start / at the end of the school day is the best time for you to talk with the class teacher to make arrangements to meet.
An appointment can be made for you to meet with the SENCO to discuss any concerns / worries you may have.
Information/advice gained from external agencies will be shared with you, including suggested ideas for supporting your child.
You will be invited to be involved in reviewing your child’s Pupil Support Plan each term and to share your views in setting new targets. This is an ideal opportunity to ask for further advice / support in helping your child with SEND.
Homework at St. Patrick’s is designed in such a way that all children can respond to the learning focus in a way that best suits their learning strengths.
A home/school contact book can be used to support communication with you when this has been agreed to be useful for you and your child.