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How will staff at St. Patrick's monitor the progress of my child with SEND?

The class teacher continually monitors the progress your child is making.  In addition to this, your child’s progress is monitored in the following ways:


Formal Pupil Progress Meetings

The class teacher meets each term with the headteacher and the Standards Manager/SENCO.

Progress made by each pupil in reading, writing and maths is discussed alongside minimum progress expectations.


Formal Assessments

Early Years Foundation Stage assessments

​Reception Baseline assessments

Phonic Screening Check (Y1)

End of key stage assessments (Y2 & Y6)

Termly assessment tests (Y1-Y6)


Progress against targets within Pupil Support Plan

The targets set for your child within their Pupil Support Plan will be subject to ongoing review.  They will be amended as appropriate as your child progresses.

The class teacher will invite you to attend a meeting once a term to review the progress your child is making towards the specific targets set for them.  


Progress for children with a Education, Health & Care (EHC) Plan

There will be an annual formal review of your child's progress towards the targets within their EHC.

This review will involve the views of all working with your child, as well as asking the views of your child.


Book monitoring / lesson observations

Lesson observations are regularly carried out by members of the Senior Leadership Team

This ensures the needs of all children are met effectively.

This ensures that the quality of teaching and learning for all children is high.
