Mr McConnell is our school Senior Attendance Champion working closely with Mrs Ruth Cooper our assigned Attendance Officer from Wigan Council.
Together they monitor attendance across the school and work tirelessly to identify why children are not in school and what support can be offered to families with children who are persistent absentees or have unexplained absences.
On occasions this is addressed during a face to face meeting and
an Earliest Help or Early Help agreement put in place and reviewed 4-6 weeks of the start date.
Mr McConnell and Mrs Cooper follow a 4-stage approach to monitoring attendance.
These 4 stages are:
Stage 1 (97% - 95%)
Your child’s attendance is beginning to fall below the school’s attendance target.
Mr McConnell and Mrs Cooper will closely monitor your child's attendance and, where necessary, work with you and your child in order to support you to improve it.
Stage 2 (95% - 90%)
Your child’s attendance has shown a continued decline.
Mr McConnell and Mrs Cooper will contact you (telephone call/letter) to discuss your child's attendance record.
Where necessary, support from our Pastoral Team will be offered in order to assist you and your child.
Stage 3 (90% - 80%)
Your child’s attendance now falls in to the category of persistent absence.
A letter will be issued inviting you to meet with the School's LA Attendance Officer (Mrs Cooper) and Mr McConnell.
Attendance targets, pastoral support and consequences will be discussed.
Stage 4 (Below 80%)
Formal intervention and referral can be actioned by the Attendance Officer (Mrs Ruth Cooper) and the issue of an Education Penalty Notice by the Local Authority may be considered.